Fed up of workplace politics!
Do you ever feel that everyone in your office is acting like they are in the real-life version of game of thrones?
Do you think your office is plagued with backstabbing, power struggles, cut-throat competition, and flattery to climb the corporate ladder?
But like or despise it, office politics are part of your daily work life.
So, how to deal with office politics?
Find out the brain behind the business and how they impact the office dynamics.
Find out discreetly who gets along with who and understand the informal and social relationship flows.
Build quality connections with powerful people in the company with whom real influence lies.
Working on your interpersonal skills will tide you past all political troubles. Take a neutral stand, and practice diplomacy and tact.
Be courteous to office politicians and understand their behaviour so that you are prepared to counter the effects of their negative politics.
Do not fuel the fire. Instead, work towards spreading positivity at the workplace by remaining professional and resolving conflicts amicably.
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