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What is the source of our mental health troubles? Is it demanding work schedules, never-ending commute time, voracious road rage, and an over-stimulating world or a lack of peace at home? It is not just one thing, but a combination of factors, that leave us feeling demoralised, unmotivated and fatigued. While culprits may be many, at the centre of new conversations blooming on mental health is the effect of our environment on our well-being. And the most familiar environment we experience daily is our dwelling. So how interior design affects mental health? Ask yourself if you would like to return to a gloomy, cluttered, and stale house after a long day’s work in mind? The answer will be a clear no. As the time we are now spending in the comfort of our homes is ever increasing due to an unanticipated coronavirus pandemic, mental health issues are already on the verge of explosion. One common thing which emerges is that home design can either aggravate or alleviate mental health troubles, choosing a conducive home design for a healthy mind becomes the first step in prioritising your wellness.
How interior design affects mental health?
As we isolate ourselves in our homes, we are becoming increasingly aware of how our interior spaces affect our moods, our ability to work and our physical comfort. Our homes have become multidimensional- and are increasingly being used for working from home, schooling, socialising, living, and even pursuing our interests and hobbies. Taking care of our dwelling units has become of paramount importance as our surroundings impact us in the long run. From making small adjustments to a total makeover, our homes can transform from a source of stress and anxiety to a sanctuary of peace, comfort & calmness. Home Design has a deep indirect impact on our minds and hence should be addressed properly to keep daily stressors at bay. Interior design, the layout and the spaces can affect our sentiments and can trigger positive or negative emotions. A well-lit, spacious, organized and ventilated home can encourage creativity, peace and satisfaction.
How does my home’s interior design affect my mental health?
Often, we don’t love our homes the way we should and give them the respect they deserve. Let’s be frank! Do you love your home? Most of you will say ‘yea sometimes’, others will say ‘no’ and some will probably say ‘yes’. But is this really how you want to feel about your living? If you are at home, look around and ask yourself this question. I looked around and I am proud to confess my attachment and love for my home. I feel relaxed, and at home when at home & it is simply the best place to be in. No matter how fatigued I am, my home helps me relax and unwind.

The freshness of my home soothes my nerves and relaxes my mind. While keeping it organised & tidy helps me break from the daily clutter, the soothing colour of the walls and pastel upholstery send me constant signals to be at ease. The paintings on the walls remind me of my interests in arts and culture while the decorative articles remind me of some important memories behind them.
The plants thriving on my patio remind me of beautiful nature and the blooming life. The balcony deck boasts of being my favourite spot for enjoying my ‘me-time’. And the naturally lit living room undoubtedly becomes my preferred corner for reading my favourite books or watching IGTV.
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The functionally convenient kitchen, the neatest and clean place in my dwelling, reminds me of how food brings people together. It naturally becomes the heart of my home where I love to spend time honing my culinary skills, preparing nutritious meals or experimenting with new recipes.
The earthy tone and natural finish of my cosy bedroom offer a perfect environment for retiring peacefully at the end of the day as I prepare for deep slumber. And last but not the least, the edgy & clean washrooms draw my attention to be clean, tidy and simple in our dealings with the outside world. In a true sense, my house is an alter-ego of my personality and has a character & story to tell. Every aspect of my home ultimately has a deep impact on my mental health and overall wellness. This is my idea of home design for a healthy mind! Let’s explore how you can achieve your own customised home design for a healthy mind.
12 home design ideas for a healthy mind
Now we know how interior design affects mental health, it is time to redesign our spaces in a way that radiates positivity and happiness. And it is certain that enhancing the interior of your home can help you achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space. Here are 12 Home Design Ideas to help you create the perfect house which will keep your mental health in check. You don’t need expensive interior designers or expensive Home Design Accessories to get a beautiful home.
1. Create a sense of space
The First step to getting a home with the best interior design is very basic, that is, try to keep your home organised, clear and open for movement. A clear and open home is a natural reflection of a clear and open mind. Try to have a place for everything and keep everything in its place. Keep your moving spaces clear and open.
2. Live with some blank spaces
Your home should have some empty or blank spaces or spaces which are yet unfinished or emptier like a blank wall or a room with minimal furniture. It will give you some room to think and time to consider what you actually want on that wall or in that room. Over time I have realised what I actually want is more space to spend time with family-nothing more and nothing less. Also, the empty wall gives me a ‘future project’ or a ‘project in hand’ as I consider turning the empty wall into a ‘Wall of fame’-displaying my accomplishments over my lifespan.
3. Declutter your home
A cluttered and stuffed house is a major stressor and brings along with it some negativity. Our minds are already exhausted with daily chores, information overload, work-related issues and much more. We don’t have any scope left in our minds for more clutter. Try to keep your house minimal and organised. This will give clarity to your mind and impart some space for bringing more positivity. Do away with all the junk and items you don’t need anymore.
4. Let your collection tell a story
When you’re a collector, every piece in your house has a history to tell. They might remind you about your travel trips, your paternal house, your life achievements, your love & relationships, or other narratives which bring back your happiness and life memories. Be sure to display personal accessories that mean something to you, such as souvenirs, homemade DIY items and gifts that add to the mood and help you shut off from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
5. Let aromatherapy be an indispensable part of your home design
It is scientifically proven that aromatherapy promotes a feeling of balance, calmness, and harmony. A fresh and citrus fragrance in the daytime alleviates the mood, while a soothing and relaxing lavender scent soothes your nerves. It does wonders for me. Choosing the right fragrance as per the occasion and mood helps me be more productive and keeps my mood happy. Include beautiful aroma diffusers, scented candles, and aroma lamps as a part of your décor and reap the endless benefits they promise. Enjoy the visual and olfactory benefits they offer!
6. Bring the outside in
The power of nature in the mind is undeniable. It offers the serenity we are all seeking after the end of a busy week. Bring the outside in with a few simple decor choices and accessories. Small additions such as wooden textures, indoor plants and green tones are simple ways to embrace the outdoors from the comfort of your sofa. Try growing your own indoor herb garden for an attractive and delicious home accessory. There is much more you can do. Just bring nature in!
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7. Choose the perfect colour palette
A simple but effective way to create a relaxing environment is by decorating your home with a calming colour palette. I personally prefer pastel colours and more earthy tones like brown, cream, white and their shades thereof. You may choose any colour which may impart calmness to your eyes.
8. Enjoy mood lighting
Mood lighting can create the right ambience and is all about varying the intensity, and the colour of light to create an atmosphere as per the emotion of the inhabitant. In the evenings, I prefer warm to yellow lights to relax my mind as I prepare myself for sleep. During the day, I stick to white light or natural sunlight to keep going. Use large windows and French doors to bring in natural light. Candles and lamps can be placed around the bed to impart a soft, warm tone as you prepare to unwind and relax.
9. Use tempting textures and upholstery
By using neutral tones you can easily make your space appear bigger and empty. You can fill up the space with inviting textures such as plush sofas, soft blankets and fluffy rugs. Not only will you set the ideal cosy tone, but your space will appear warmer. This will make it the perfect place to disconnect and focus on re-energising with maximum comfort.
10. Ensure cross ventilation
Keep your house well-ventilated and embrace the fresh air. A hot and Humid home is uncomfortable and non-conducive. Natural cross-ventilation directs the flow of air inside your living space in a steady stream and keeps you cooler. This also helps save energy consumption. Keep your windows and doors open and keep the blinds up to enjoy the natural air flowing in.
11. Let natural light seep in
Keeping your windows and doors covered with full-length curtains and blinds not just keeps the entire room dark but also impacts your health. While keeping it dark is advisable at night, letting the natural light flow in brings positivity during the day. Not letting much light in the room, is shown to result in a poor mood and reduced productivity. Natural light becomes all more important if you have a home office or you are working from home as it keeps you productive.
12. Live your passion in the comfort of your home
I love the idea of sipping coffee in coffee shops while catching up with friends or just reading my favourite book. That doesn’t mean regular runs to the coffee shop. I have found a way of living my passion in the comfort of my own house. I have dedicated an area for the same in my apartment which boasts of coffee chairs, a table, English lamps and some plants. Likewise, you can live your passion too by building your own cosy corner or an activity room like an art room, library or bar. Remember home is where your heart is.
“Living in a beautiful house is everyone’s dream“
Always remember that living in a beautiful house is everyone’s dream. So respect your house and turn it into a beautiful dwelling unit by making small changes as per your preferences and requirement. Design it to make yourself more productive, less anxious, cheerful & calm. Take pride in your house and love it before anything else. Infuse life in your house and fill it with positivity. Rest assured, “if you invest in your house it will invest back in you.” This is the first and last principle of healthy design for a healthy mind!
So now you know how interior design affects mental health, it is time to follow simple tips and reorganize your homes to make them a sanctuary of peace and wellness.
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