When in 1993 The Alchemist got published people had less idea about what the law of attraction is. Then in 2006, another book named The Secret came out. There was some awareness about this law of attraction, training of the mind, manifestations, affirmations, gratitude, and power of the mind. I myself have been practising this mind training since the last many years and my own success story has also been published on a channel named ‘Mindbodyspirit’. Apart from this, I have many success stories of my manifestations. I teach people how to manifest. I also help people on and how to make your dreams come true and translate your dreams into reality. Each one of us wants our desires and dreams to get accomplished. Everyone has some goals which they wish to accomplish. But how to make your dreams come true? While some are very focused on their goals, many are still trying to find ways how to achieve them. It is through the power of your thoughts and the power of your subconscious mind that you can translate your dreams into reality. Learn how to make your dream come true and tread the road of your dreams in a better way.
“To manifest your Desires, give them three things- Attention, Intent, Emotion”
8 Ways to make your dreams come true
“Whatever your mind can conceive, and believe, it can achieve” – Napoleon Hill

There are various techniques to manifest your desires and unleash the power of your subconscious mind. Here are 8 techniques for manifesting your desires. Let us learn how to make your dreams come true!
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1. Set a realistic intention
The most powerful way to start manifesting is to train the mind to create a reality which you want to have in your mind. Set an intention. As a beginner try to set one intention at a time. Remember there are no limiting beliefs. Whatever your mind can conceive it can achieve. This is the first step to train your brain to unleash the power of your subconscious mind.
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2. Act as if technique
This is the next important step towards realising your goal. Say, for instance, you want to get into a particular job or want to earn a certain amount of money or want to travel to a particular destination. To get your desire to be successfully manifested, start believing that you are already doing that particular job, you have earned that particular amount of money or you are seeing beautiful places in the destination you desire to visit. This is known as the act as if technique. You need to bridge the gap between your thoughts from what you ought to be and what you are. Many times you may not get convinced with this idea because your current reality and perceived reality are so different. But then you need to believe in the law of imagination.
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3. Train your mind
We have a conscious and subconscious mind. The subconscious mind works 24 hours and the conscious mind works up to the time when we are awake. Now if you want to successfully manifest your desire/ goal/ dream, then it is absolutely important to bring both minds in synchronisation. For instance, once you have set the intention, you have started believing that your desire is already fulfilled (applying the Act as if technique), suddenly you start getting negative thoughts. Your conscious mind gives you logical reasoning, how this can happen, when will it happen or it may not happen at all. Now what happens is that your intention/ desire is in your subconscious mind but your conscious mind is telling you all negative things about your intention. Result- your belief system gets shaky and both the minds are out of sync. Here, you have to train your thought process in such a manner that you start believing your perceived reality to be your current reality.
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4. Visualize
After setting an intention, believing in it, start visualising yourself in that particular situation and moment which you want for yourself. For instance, if a student wants admission into a particular University or institute she can put a photograph of that building, entrance gate as a wallpaper of their computer, mobile, laptop, tablet or can take a printout of it and put it in a prominent place in her home or hostel so that it is in front of her eyes. Start imagining yourself entering through that gate, moving around in that building so on and so forth. This technique you can apply to all of your intentions. it to be a part of your current reality, visualize yourself into that particular situation.
5. Add emotions
Once you start visualising, feel the situation you are into and how happy, elated, glad you are to have accomplished your intention/goal/desire In this manner, you are adding a very important tool to your intentions which is your emotion. This will add more positivity to your intention.
6. Do not mess with the middle path
Always be mindful of the internal dialogue. The conversations which we do with ourselves. Just focus on the end result, visualise, believe and feel happy about the final result. Do not worry about the process, how it will happen, when will it happen. Stay focussed with conviction that what my mind has conceived, I have achieved. It is my only reality.
7. Positive thinking
One of the psychology professors Richard Wiesman states that “positive action is far more than positive thinking”. It is like an old idea, “fake it till you make it”. This is because our brain cannot differentiate between what is real and what is being imagined. The key to successful manifestation is creating harmony between what you desire and how you act. A lot many people find this difficult due to a lack of consistency in their feelings. They act as their intention has taken place but deep down inside their hearts, they don’t feel about it. So it becomes very important to synchronize actions and emotions.
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8. Feel Relaxed
Do not over-stress your mind. The more stress you feel, the manifestation will take a longer time to come to you. Dwell on the feeling that your manifestation has already taken place. Mind your thoughts and see the magic happening.
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If you want to share your thoughts on how to make your dreams come true, do mention the same in the comments section below/.