Wondering if everyone around you is feeling hornier off-lately? Well, you are not the only one facing the struggles of being horny during the time of a global pandemic. While this feeling seems ubiquitous during the time of sexual isolation and poses a serious dilemma for singles and committed alike, those who are married and have drifted into sexless zones are affected the most. Because you are tied up at home with your spouse who has either friend-zoned you or put you in a platonic hold, the chances of sexual frustration dominating your normal interactions is quite high. Regardless, whether you are single or in a relationship, feeling horny during the times of social distancing is quite normal and sex during the pandemic is dominating your mind – you may either choose to let your sexual frustration pile up and destroy it all or may cut across your frustrations and take steps to spice up your sex life. The latter seems obviously a saner and of course a pleasurable option. Despite your current ‘home-alone situation or ‘stuck in a bad romance’ situation, there are many ways to release your sexual tension which is inadvertently co-terminus with the pandemic. All you need is to learn how to deal with being horny!

How the pandemic is making us hornier?
As a matter of fact, both singles and those who are in love with their partners are trying to figure out if it is better to be homebound alone, or be trapped with someone you cannot get away from, one inevitable consequence is that people are increasingly becoming hornier while wondering how to deal with being horny. We may think that people are having more sex, but it seems rather impossible for most of us, given the current social isolations norms in place perpetuated by the deep fear psychosis due to the pandemic. People are turning to new digital methods to absolve their carnal desire. As we spend more time alone sexual desires are bound to increase making it all the more important to know how to deal with being horny.
Is it boredom and stress which is making us hornier? Despite the fact that stress & anxiety are the least two feelings that lead to eroticism, they are uncharacteristically leaning to heightened arousal during the times of sexual distancing, and leading to an increased desire for sex.
It is also a fact that increased boredom and stress may turn people to relieve their sexual built-up by the way of masturbation or even sex, specifically to release the immediate tension. Such acts of masturbation, use of porn and sexualised content has a multiplier effect and may produce more thirst for sex and leave us even hornier. As a matter of fact not only essential goods, medical care industries are booming, but also the online sale of sex toys has touched a new height.
Loneliness is another major factor that is causing people to engage in a sexualised behaviour. Because of lack of personal meet-ups at the clubs and pubs, cases of people turning up online for instant sexual gratification is shooting like never before, making them more flirtatious & sexual on social media or in private DMs or even publicly from their main account- a phenomenon now referred to as “being horny on main”!
How to deal with being Horny?
One of the most obvious drawbacks of not being able to hook up with people now is that we are left more desperate and are literally drooling like never before. New songs like “WAP” by Cardi-B, are not only hitting on-screen with a whole ass and sex vibe but also on social media everywhere, in the form of #wapchallenge arousing sheer feelings of sex, seduction and eroticism! And we are just supposed to just groove to the dance in our homes alone? Isn’t it unfair and cruel?
While sex seems a little off-beat and riskier in times of a global pandemic there are few steps you can learn to deal with being horny and to satiate your erotic desires rather than contemplating on how to control sexual desire:
1. If you are single then what?
Having said that, first of all, you should not feel alone. There is a unanimous feeling of heightened sexual desire and explicit behaviour across the globe. There are many who are struggling with increased horniness since the onset of social isolation and sex during the pandemic is the top of the mind. The main reasons for your increased horniness may be feelings of loneliness and fear apart from biological factors. Such a feeling hints towards our affinity to bond with others and make connections. And under prevailing circumstances, such feelings and affinity may be expressed via the ‘feelings of horniness’.
If you are single then read on the following to learn how to deal with being horny:
While one thing that just might help is practising mindfulness and meditation, this is the least you want to talk about during sexual emergency posed by isolation. Another way is to meet those needs more creatively, like say ‘masturbation’. Yes, you heard it right! Masturbation comes in handy & is the safest practice as it doesn’t spread the virus. So, if you are looking for instant gratification, self-pleasure is the best way.
Sex Toys
Sex toys are a good option to explore if you haven’t tried them before for both women and men alike. Yes, sex toys is more than USD 20 bn business and it has immense sexual and mental benefits to offer:
– Sex toys lead to more sexual satisfaction
– Sex toys help you have more body confidence
– Sex toys can help you sleep better
– Sex toys help you revitalise your relationship with your partner
– Sex toys can help cure sexual dysfunction
As a matter of fact, women use vibrators and other sex toys and are celebrated as signs of sexual liberation. But the same can’t be said for men? Having said that, pleasure products for men have come a long way, and now it is very common for men to have a range of sex toys in the bedside drawer. Sex toys should help you broaden your sensual horizon!
Porn and Virtual Sex
If you are looking for some online solution at hand, watching porn and Virtual Sex can be your nirvana during times of sexual isolation. There are a plethora of adult web-streaming services offering cutting edge Virtual Intercourse and VR glasses that have added to the experience. It is time to go the Japanese way by having a sweet concoction of sex & technology.
Online Sex Parties
Online sex parties are also becoming a common thing in countries like the UK and you are in for a treat the moment you enter the zoom chat. It is common for you to find people dressed in fetish wear, with disco lights on, and playing games like ‘Never Have I Ever’ gradually progressing to more sexual games hosting orgies, same-sex couples, different age groups, and pole dances.
Cam Sex and Phone Sex
Well, this is self-explanatory, as that’s the most potent way you are probably resorting to during sexual isolation. Just enter a chat room and boom!
Online Dating Apps
Another way to respond to your natural affinity to bond and find emotional and sexual respite is to get active on online dating apps. As the doctors are advising against in-person romance, flirting on online dating apps can be your next best option. There is nothing wrong with finding your match for hooking up post corona or exchanging sexts on various apps like Tinder, Bumble, OkCupid, Grinder (for gay men), Lex (for lesbian women) etc. The only thing to observe while trying your luck on online apps is to not harass others if they are not interested or have said no.
Hitting your ex?
Many of you might be well considering hitting your ex. While this might be a natural outcome of your increased horniness and isolation, I would advise against it, as it will not be of any worth. It is good to acknowledge your current urge and desperation but reconnecting with your ex out of sexual frustration or social isolation is not justified. What can be more embarrassing than checking back on your lustful sexts sent to your ex out of desperation, which went unacknowledged?
Sex Bubble
With many countries easing down on restrictions and officially announcing ‘it is safe to have sex again’, singles across Western countries like the UK rejoiced and created their own sex bubbles as a method of hooking up during the pandemic. This is a novel idea when it comes to learning how to deal with being horny, but whether it may work for you or not, it is up to you to decide.
What is a sex bubble? The idea of a sex bubble is that you pick a partner who abides by safety guidelines and takes anti-coronavirus measures which are up to your own standards of precautions, and you arrange to hook up regularly, forming a bubble. Anyone you or your partner link up with can also become part of your sex bubble.
2. If you are in a relationship then what?
Real Sex?
If your relationship pre-dates the virus scare and you both are tested negative(both COVID & HIV), grasp the day and jump to bed. After all, we need to connect now more than ever and having sex during social isolation with your partner is the best foot forward. But before indulging in such a sexual activity make sure of testing negative and contact tracing before encountering ultimate oohs and aahs!
Use of Technology
If you are scared of contracting the virus and too scared to have sex even with your partner, having a cam-sex or phone sex will be your saviour. The use of technology can be a boon and come as an ultimate relief.
Spice up your sex-life
And if you and your partner stay together in a live-in relationship or are married, then you are among the blessed ones, unless you both have drifted into a sex-less zone or are too bored to have sex with each other anymore. Well, if such is the case, you guys need to explore new dimensions to spice up your sex life. Role plays, Sex toys, and Porn can reignite your relationship and can spice things up in the bedroom. If you have friend-zoned each other due to some interpersonal issues, it’s the best time to communicate, clear up past build-ups and achieve catharsis by the way of ‘sharing to heal’ and fix the sexless marriage. It is the best time to backtrack from your current platonic status to a sexual one and achieve a ‘sexual catharsis’ by talking about sex, exploring each other sexually, relearning each other’s body, giving massages, sharing sexual fantasies, taking showers together, and expanding sensually.
For more on how to revive your relationship with your partner or spouse read the article: 5 Tips on How to Revive Relationship with your partner!
Looking at the bright side – Kinks, Sexual orientation and beyond!
Staying positive is the key. Use this time to discover some lesser-explored aspects of your sexuality like the kink you thought once disgusted you, but that’s what you exactly want now! Maybe you want to explore your sexual orientation and explore gender that you did not even really know you were attracted to. Maybe you want to watch a different genre of porn you never really paid much heed to! You will be surprised, what you may find while conquering the unfrequented corners of your mind.
Being horny in the pandemic situation is something not really talked about and it is certainly not one of the most pressing issues during the global scare, but it is definitely a thing that needs to be addressed. While we know by now how to deal with being horny when hooking up or having sex sounds scarier than ever, considering the pandemic, keeping ourselves safe and going solo for some more time is still the safest bet.
If you know more innovative ways on ‘how to deal with being horny’, especially during the pandemic, share your comments and thoughts below and enlighten us.