Millennials, it’s time to brace up! To toughen up! This statement might shock you. But I’d like you to pause a moment and think of generations before ours. Our grandparents, the Traditionalists braved the time of “The Great Depression” and witnessed India’s Independence movement of the 1940s. They were a generation that espoused values of nationalism, hard work, and survival with bare essential amenities, especially when the average family size was 5-9 children per home. Our parents, the Baby boomers saw wars, famines, droughts, rationing of food and epidemics like Small Pox and Cholera. They placed a premium on job security, family stability, social service and work-life balance. Baby boomers were by and large conservative in their outlook on life. They have been there, done that, and by virtue of their experience, they have some valuable life advice for millennials, which we all should swear by!
Millennials – we are perhaps the most privileged generation that grew up with surplus around us – food, medicine, clothing and technology. Our worlds revolve around us. We live in a bit of a bubble (maybe social media!). But there are golden gems for us to imbibe from generations before ours in time of a pandemic like this, simple life lessons and simple advice for millennials as given below.

5 Life advice for millennials
These are Tips for the Millennials, for helping the millennial generation to flourish:
1. Save for a rainy day
Life can turn upside down anytime, so have an emergency fund to sail you through. This is one of the best pieces of financial advice for millennials one can ever give.
2. Food is precious
Don’t overstock when you can’t consume. Eat what you already have in your stock than let it go to waste past its expiry date. Food is certainly precious!
3. Have a health insurance
You never know when you might need one! Or your family might need one. And you don’t want to dip into your savings in times of escalating healthcare costs.
4. Get a hold of your anxiety
Be resilient. Talk to your parents or grandparents. They have braved some of the harshest situations and come out with nerves of steel. Learn from their experiences and learn to practise meditation, mindfulness and gratitude.
5. Home sweet home
This used to be a popular adage on key holders once upon a time, a visual reminder of the cosy comforts of our homes. Be accommodating to the needs of your family members. This phase should teach this millennial generation the importance of co-existence in times of compulsory home quarantine! Have faith, we as millennials shall tide past this. If anything, we shall come over stronger, braver and kinder than ever before!
If there are life lessons or life advice for millennials that you have endured during this phase, we would love to hear from you. Feel free to drop in your comments below.
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