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Three is a magical number, and it is what a throuple is—a romantic relationship between three people. Three is no longer a crowd. Not anymore. It is how new romantic relationships are working. But before you engage in a throuple or romantic three-way relationship, there are certain rules that you need to follow to make it successful. While throuples are very common these days and are on the rise in today’s world, they demand wisdom and balance to maintain such a relationship. So, what are some common throuple relationship rules that you should swear by to make a throuple relationship work? Let us find out!
Read more about throuple relationship stories: Meet the Throuple- Rise of Throuple Relationships!
Throuple Relationship Rules: 8 Tips For A Happy Throuple!
A throuple relationship is one in which three people in love with each other come together and collectively form a three-way romantic couple. While throuples look simple, seem fancy, and are tempting concepts to be in, they demand a lot more investment than a couple.
So before you plunge into the universe of trio romance, it is a wise idea to enlighten yourself.

In general, two people start as a couple in the beginning. But later on, to add spice to their lives, they end up inviting a third person for pleasure, and all end up falling in love with each other. Sometimes, a heterosexual couple may have one of the partners as bisexual. For example, the boy in a couple may be bisexual and may want to involve another man to fulfill his cravings. And throuple relationships come to life. When the woman is bisexual, they may invite another female to form a throuple. Sometimes, two gay men in a relationship may call upon a third man for pleasure to start with. Later on, they discover they are in love and end up forming a gay throuple relationship.
Throuples can be either closed or open based on how the partners decide them to be.
Coming back to throuple relationship rules, there are no universal rules that apply to all the throuples. Every throuple is unique and has its own rules that work best for them. But there are a few fundamental rules that will make your throuple relationship work, last longer, and make you a happy throuple.
1. Communication is the key
Communication can make or break any relationship, and throuples are no exception. For any throuple relationship to work, all the partners should make extra efforts to communicate, iron out the differences, share their fears and feelings, and successfully steer all the odds.
Throuples have to make conscious efforts to talk it out when they feel jealous of the other two partners getting closer or spending more time together. If you have a fetish you want to fulfill, talk it out openly with the other two. The idea is to be on the same page as the other two.
In throuples, communication becomes all the more important as there are three people involved. So, communication is the only way that will define the success of your throuple relationship.
2. Set ground rules
All three partners in a throuple have to come together, collectively establish some ground rules, and communicate the same from time to time. They have to make sure that everyone understands what is acceptable and what is not. The throuple has to find their deal-breakers.
For example, a throuple may decide to be romantically and physically exclusive and form a closed throuple. It means no one is allowed to sleep outside or be romantically involved with anyone else outside of the throuple. Another throuple may decide to be open by agreeing to make it acceptable to sleep outside but not be romantically involved with anyone else. Some throuples agree to sleep outside but never tell about such encounters. But their primary loyalties must lie with each other. Disloyalty could be a deal-breaker and will be counted towards infidelity.
3. Make time for each other
Sounds cliché?
It is not.
Like every relationship, making time for each other is one of the most important throuple relationship rules. As a throuple, all three partners should spend quality time with each other, communicate, and share intimate details about their day, their feelings, and so on. Apart from this, they should make time to cook together and take up hobbies that bind all three partners together. One good idea is to take up each partner’s favorite activities one by one and make them part of your life.
All the partners in a throuple should go on date nights and plan dates together. Other times, two of the partners should spend some time together every week, taking turns to bond and make up! For example, two of the partners in a throuple could not spend much time together due to conflicting work schedules, so they should go on a date night together to make up for it. The third partner can then join them later. Or when two of the partners can’t find time to make love, they should take time to make love and rebound on the bed. Of course, the third partner will be kept in the loop.
4. Learn to navigate jealousy and insecurities
One common belief about throuples is that they do not get jealous. However, this is not true. Jealousy is a normal human trait, and it is quite common to feel jealous at times. In a throuple, when there are three partners, the chances of two of them getting closer are higher. It may make the third partner jealous, insecure, and left out. So how to navigate jealousy in such cases?
The best way to navigate jealousy is to maintain open and honest communication with the other partners. When one partner feels jealous, insecure, or left out, even for the lamest reason, they should communicate their feelings to the other two. And it is the moral responsibility of the partners to come together and resolve any dissonance with the third partner.
You cannot completely eradicate jealousy, but you can turn around the table and make your relationship stronger and more secure by navigating it. So, the best way to make a throuple relationship work is to address jealousy head-on.
When two of the partners bond more, the third partner must jump in to tell them it is not working. But sometimes, the jealous partner must delay this impulse to jump in and observe if this feeling is temporary. Sometimes, it is wiser to let the other two bond, iron out their differences, and spend time with each other, as it has nothing to do with the third partner.
But sometimes, your jealousy can be legit. You can see the other two partners bond more, and you are clearly feeling left out. And you have tried your best to communicate your feelings to the other two, but nothing has changed. In this case, my advice would be to talk to the other two and give them the option to migrate back to the couple. Also, check with them if it is only a phase and they are merely taking their time to bond. Seek clarity and then decide your course of action.
Many of your answers will come from your experience, assessment, and judgment of the situation.
But I tell you what, in a throuple, it is quite common for two of the partners to come closer to each other, then the other two come closer, and then the rest of the two. If your throuple is made up of two bisexual males and one female, then at times, two males will be closer, and other times, one of the males and the female, for example. Things might change with time, and you have to learn to adapt to it to ensure the longevity of your throuple.
5. Follow the principle of equality
When you are in a throuple, all the partners are equal in all aspects and must be treated equally. It is one of the critical throuple relationship rules to abide by. There should never be a case in which you claim you love one person more than the other or compare one with another. Learning how to stop comparing yourself to others will make your throuple stronger.
Human beings are sensitive and emotional. Therefore, to make a successful throuple, you need to drop any form of favoritism and treat all the partners as equals. It will make all the partners feel secure, respected, and appreciated. And it will lead to a happy throuple.
6. Throuple sleeping arrangement: sleep together or take your own turns
There is a lot of confusion over the ‘throuple sleeping arrangement.’ Many people believe that it is best for all three partners to sleep together so that no one feels left out. While others believe that all three partners can have their own rooms and one common room for sensual adventures. But I believe there are no universal rules to define throuple sleeping arrangements.
Some throuples may prefer all the partners sleeping together while others prefer two of them sleeping together by taking turns. In some throuple relationships, all three partners sleep alone in their own rooms and have their own rooms to sleep in. It is important to understand that each partner may have their own needs, which must be taken into account before framing any sleeping arrangement. Each throuple has unique dynamics and, therefore, has its own sleeping arrangements.
7. Do not shy away from apologizing
Throuple relationships, like any other relationship, can have their own set of challenges and problems. Partners may make mistakes and commit an act that may be embarrassing to the person or the throuple as a whole. The partner in question must not shy away from apologizing. And it is the moral responsibility of the other partners to accept the apology and win together as a throuple. The idea is to evolve as a throuple, grow together, and bring the best out in each other.
8. Be ready to sacrifice and compromise
Like any other relationship, a successful throuple also requires all three partners to sacrifice and compromise in their relationship to make it work. Having said that, there should not be a scenario in which one of the partners is always compromising while others are too rigid to acknowledge. Some compromise and sacrifice by all three partners is a healthy sign and indicates that everyone is putting extra effort into a common cause of making the relationship work by making it a priority.
For example, one of the partners may give up a new job opportunity and relocate just because the other two can’t relocate. So, the other partners may keep this gesture in mind, acknowledge the same, and make their relationship a priority.
The reason you are in a throuple relationship is to make yourself happy. To be happy, you have to make sure all the partners in a romantic relationship are happy, too. So, like any relationship, you should make decisions that resonate with all the partners and make sure that all the partners are heard and respected.
In the end, you have to ensure that everyone in the throuple wins and grows professionally and individually. A throuple relationship invested in the personal growth of all its partners is the happiest of all. All the partners in a throuple relationship must win together as a throuple.
So, these are eight throuple relationship rules that must be kept in mind to keep the throuple relationship alive. If you are in a throuple, what are the throuple relationship rules you guys abide by?
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A throuple refers to a romantic relationship involving three individuals who are all equally committed to each other. Unlike traditional monogamous relationships, throuples can include various degrees of emotional and sexual involvement among the three partners. A throuple can have two men and one woman, two women and one man, three women, or three men.
While there is some overlap, a throuple is not quite the same as polyamory or an open relationship.
Polyamory involves intimate relationships with more than one person, with informed consent from all involved parties. Polyamorous individuals believe it’s normal and desirable to love and be intimate with multiple people simultaneously.
Open relationships involve a romantically bonded couple (or throuple) deciding to have sex with people outside their relationship, usually without forming long-lasting emotional bonds or commitments.
A throuple is an example of polyamory, where loving more than one person at a time is embraced. Throuples may or may not be in open relationships, depending on individual preferences.
Throuples don’t follow specific universal rules. Instead, they create their own unique relationship agreements. However, some common principles include:
Communicate: Open and honest communication is essential. Throuples have to make conscious efforts to talk it out when they feel jealous of the other two partners getting closer or spending more time together. If you have a fetish you want to fulfill, talk it out openly with the other two. The idea is to be on the same page as the other two.
Set ground rule: Define what is acceptable and what is not. Define deal breakers and make sure each partner understands the rules of the relationship.
Be flexible: Be open to change and adapt as needed. Flexibility is the key to surviving the challenges of a throuple relationship.
Respect privacy: Respect each other’s privacy and autonomy to ensure a long, thriving relationship.
Adopt safe sex practices: Prioritize safety and health over anything else. Keep everyone in the loop if you slept outside without taking precautions.
Define sleeping arrangements: Define clear sleeping arrangements. Decide if all three partners will sleep together, alone, or two will sleep together at a time by taking turns.
Make time for each other: As a throuple, all three partners should spend quality time with each other, communicate, and share intimate details about their day, their feelings, and so on. Apart from this, they should make time to cook together and take up hobbies that bind all three partners together. One good idea is to take up each partner’s favorite activities one by one and make them part of your life.
Learn to navigate jealousy: The best way to navigate jealousy is to maintain open and honest communication with the other partners. When one partner feels jealous, insecure, or left out, even for the lamest reason, they should communicate their feelings to the other two. And it is the moral responsibility of the partners to come together and resolve any dissonance with the third partner.
You cannot completely eradicate jealousy, but you can turn around the table and make your relationship stronger and more secure by navigating it. So, the best way to make a throuple relationship work is to address jealousy head-on.
Follow the principles of equality: Human beings are sensitive and emotional. Therefore, to make a successful throuple, you need to drop any form of favoritism and treat all the partners as equals. It will make all the partners feel secure, respected, and appreciated. And it will lead to a happy throuple.
Don’t shy away from apologizing: Throuple relationships, like any other relationship, can have their own set of challenges and problems. Partners may make mistakes and commit an act that may be embarrassing to the person or the throuple as a whole. The partner in question must not shy away from apologizing.
Be ready to sacrifice and compromise: Like any other relationship, a successful throuple also requires all three partners to sacrifice and compromise in their relationship to make it work. Having said that, there should not be a scenario in which one of the partners is always compromising while others are too rigid to acknowledge. Some compromise and sacrifice by all three partners is a healthy sign and indicates that everyone is putting extra effort into a common cause of making the relationship work by making it a priority.
Absolutely! While the media often portrays throuples as two bisexual women and one straight man, the reality is that throuples can involve any gender combination. The key is the intimate connection among all three individuals. There can be three gay men, two bisexual men and one straight woman, two bisexual women and one straight man, or three lesbian women.
There is a lot of confusion over the ‘throuple sleeping arrangement.’ Many people believe that it is best for all three partners to sleep together so that no one feels left out. While others believe that all three partners can have their own rooms and one common room for sensual adventures. But I believe there are no universal rules to define throuple sleeping arrangements.
It is important to understand that each partner may have their own needs, which must be taken into account before framing any sleeping arrangement. Each throuple has unique dynamics and, therefore, has its own sleeping arrangements.
Legally, throuples face challenges because most legal frameworks recognize only traditional couples. However, some countries and states are gradually acknowledging non-traditional relationships. Consulting a legal professional is advisable for specific guidance.
Jealousy can arise in any relationship, including throuples. Open communication, reassurance, and addressing insecurities are essential. Each partner must navigate jealousy with empathy and understanding. The best way to navigate jealousy is to communicate openly and honestly with the other partners. When one partner feels jealous, insecure, or left out, even for the lamest reason, they should communicate their feelings to the other two. And it is the moral responsibility of the partners to come together and resolve any dissonance with the third partner.
Throuples encounter challenges similar to any relationship, such as communication breakdowns, time management, jealousy, incompatibilities, emotional turbulence, and complexities. However, their commitment and communication skills play a crucial role in overcoming these challenges.
Reflect on personal desires, communication abilities, and emotional readiness. Evaluate if a non-traditional relationship aligns with your values. Consider seeking therapy or counseling to explore whether a throuple dynamic aligns with your values and needs. However, in any case, if you are capable of loving two people with equal intensity at the same time and everyone in the relationship agrees, a throuple is right for you.
Yees! Many throuples thrive in loving, supportive relationships. Real-life stories demonstrate that with open communication, trust, and commitment, throuples can build lasting connections. You can read real stories of successful throuples here: Meet the throuples.