Off-late, I have been seeing a surge of forwards on WhatsApp groups. Perhaps the overactivity on WhatsApp is a direct result of our inability to socialise and social media has mostly become our medium of feeling connected. While social media is a boon in times of social distancing, but sometimes the quality and frequency of content can cause us stress, especially when one is in midst of a global health crisis. So ask yourself a question: are you making responsible use of social media?
I believe that you are responsible for everything you post, and everything you post is a reflection of you. And therefore, we should use social media wisely and responsibly. Today, I’d like to share some tips for responsible use of social media and how to use social media responsibly? And I strongly encourage you to add these to your list. These tips can also double as the tips for appropriate use of social media in the workplace!
Also Read: Minding your Minds during COVID Times – 7 Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety!
How to use Social Media Responsibly? Easy Tips for Responsible use of Social Media

Know the audience and their preferences
If it’s a doctors group, most likely medical updates will make sense. If it’s a dancers group, content related to dancing will be most appreciated. In community groups, send information relevant to members such as school updates, grocery arrangements, nearby shops etc. Unsolicited content is usually classified as spam!
Check if it’s adding value to the discussion thread
Before sending that forward, check if it’s adding value to the discussion thread in any way for eg. a healthy dose of humour in times of crisis, interesting information, stories of resilience are welcome.
Check if the content is authentic and valid?
Check if the content is authentic and coming from valid sources. This is a tough one, so might as well exercise restraint in circulating unverified news. Some countries have stringent laws around this and remember, you don’t want to add to the mayhem during this house quarantine.
Also Read: COVID-19: Life Lessons for this Millennial Generation!
Does the content stimulate anxiety, fear, hatred, panic?
Be sensitive that everyone has a different threshold for stress and some people could be prone to depression with overexposure to negative content so it is best that we think about the overall well-being of society.
Check if your message repetitive or redundant?
Are you sure what you are about to circulate is not repetitive or redundant? The human brain has a finite capacity to process data. Therefore, information overload equals cognitive overload!
Final check – is the content “Inclusive”?
Final check – is the content “Inclusive”? For example, jokes that are xenophobic are in poor taste. Religious and political content is most controversial and can polarize people or create exclusion, so might refrain from content that can potentially agitate people.
Also Read: Social Dancing: A Lesson in Diversity & Inclusion!
I hope with these simple tips, you will be able to have a healthy engagement via social media with your peers, family and friends. So know you know how to use social media responsibly and wisely, you can lead more meaningful interactions without overwhelming others.
If you love this article on responsible use of social media, please feel free to share your thoughts under the comments section as to what you are sharing with your friends. We would love to hear from you.
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