HomeLGBTQIA+Gay Sexless Relationships: Gay Bed Death & Gay Sexless Relationship Advice!

Gay Sexless Relationships: Gay Bed Death & Gay Sexless Relationship Advice!

Gay bed death is a real thing and gay sexless relationships are more common than you think! Read on to know more about the probable causes of sexlessness in gay relationships and various ways to deal with it.

We have been together for the last three years, and our lives seem perfect, except for this one thing-gay bed death! Yes, you heard it right. At first, our bedroom life was phenomenal, regular and steaming hot. However, with time the frequency decreased, and now it is almost non-existent. The first thing to go was kissing. And the last time I went to kiss my boyfriend, he said: hey, we do not have to make out every night. And then things like I am tired, my lips hurt, I need to get up early became easy weapons to evade the intimacy. And now I think I am in a gay sexless relationship. It is what Rohan had to say when I checked with him the last time. Yes, gay sexless relationships are a real thing. And gay bed death happens more often than you think. So what to do about it and how to navigate gay sexless relationships? Let’s talk about it!


    • That’s an already existing label and it’s not even exclusive to gay men as any two people aka couples can experience this and most people in fact, gay or straight or bi, will experience this at some point if they’re in a longterm relationship. And the world we live in can’t function on decorating facts or problems or hiding them. If something is true, it needs to be stated and people getting educated on it and if it’s an issue, possible solutions being shared. You might be triggered by this for some odd reason but many like myself get educated on the topic and many gay men might think there is something wrong with them if they’re going through this, to whom, I’m sure this article could bring some peace of mind and guidance in relation to their relationships and sexlife/lovelife.

  1. Hi, thanks for the suggestions,

    This label was not coined by us, it’s just what people call it and therefore we included the same to help people find what they are looking for. There is no other meaning to it.

    Apologies, if we offended or disappointed you in any way.


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